Archer with the best daddy in the world!
Mommy and Archer
Look at those teeth!
Spending time with Auntie Kim
She sure is fun to play with...practicing football for Daddy
Cooper's dad, my dad, Cooper, and Sean (my brother in law)
Don't you just want to squeeze him?
Cleaning up after the beach.
The bath time photo is really cute. You can shower Mom and Dad too when they are changing your diapers. Let me know how that works out for you.
You do have the best Dad and Mom in the world. You can see it in their eyes.
Love you,
Aunt Shan
Hi Archer,
I can't wait to play with you!! It looks like you have so much fun with your crazy relatives. I can't wait to meet you!!! I love you already :)
Maxwell James
(It's kinda a mouth full, so you can call me Max.)
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